Published Works

Immigration is a life-changing decision; it can be the beginning of a “happily ever after” or prologue of an unending nightmare!

No matter your status, if your desire is to fireproof your success on arrival by preparing and having the right mindset so you can hit the ground running from day one of relocating to this amazing land of opportunities called Canada, then this is for you

The Successful Immigrant Book will give you practical tools for your success.
It demystifies the arrival and settling down process and provides practical tools and reference for your effective settlement.

We all have a calling from God. Every one of us.

Many of us have a hard time understanding and following through with that calling. When we eventually do, getting buy-in from those closest to us becomes a herculean task!

What happens when those closest to us don’t believe us? What happens when they are openly against what we feel called to do? What do we do when we feel unqualified?

This book examines regular people just like you and me (from the bible), who experienced all of those same feelings (even under extraordinary circumstances). And yet, through it all, they changed the trajectory of history because they listened to what God asked of them.
May their stories encourage you to truly listen to your calling.

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